Hellgate Eternity Wiki

The Nano Forge can be found in almost every station and aspiring adventurers can use it to increase the damage, armor and level of their items for the expense of some raw materials gained from disassembling gathered items and a very small amount of Palladium.

Important: It is possible for your weapon to be destroyed if an upgrade fails, it is unknown if this is a bug or intended. Failure is guessed to be around 7% for any upgrade and breaking at around 2%.

Effect of the Nano Forge[]


Armor will generally be increased by either the Armor Defense and/or the Shields. No attributes will change when forging. However, the stat requirements may slightly increase when forging.


Weapons will generally have their DPS >>unconfirmed<< increased somewhere between 1% to 3% per upgrade >>unconfirmed<<. As with weapons, no attributes will change when forging. However, the stat requirements may slightly increase when forging.

Global Notice[]

Upon reaching "+8" level for any weapon or armor a light blue global announcement will be sent across all channels stating that you have forged an item to level 8. This message will also appear if you fail as well.

Material Requirements[]

>>unconfirmed<<Each Faction requires the same types of materials to upgrade their weapons and armor, but in different quantities.>>unconfirmed<<

Cabalist Faction item requirements[]

Materials required:

  • Scrap Metal, Rare Scrap Metal, Runic Fragments, Rare Runic Fragments

Hunter Faction item requirements[]

Materials required:

  • Scrap Metal ,Rare Scrap Metal ,Tech Components ,Rare Tech Components

Templar Faction item requirements[]

Materials required:

  • Scrap Metal, Rare Scrap Metal, Blessed Shards, Rare Blessed Shards